InstaLOD's Scene Rules make use of predicates to determine the action of a given rule. The full list of predicates including their required setup is listed below.
- Delete - Deletes meshes that match the specified attribute RegEx/value.
- SetAttribute - Add or modify meta-data to matching meshes
- CombineMeshes - Combines meshes within a specified group node
- Move - Edit the hierarchy and names of meshes (Supports Format Strings)
- MaterialAssignment - Create and assign a new material to meshes
- MaterialCreation - Create a new material without assigning it
- MaterialUpdate - Update the parameters of an existing material
- MaterialRename - Rename a material
- Transform - Transform position/rotation/scale of meshes
- SplitMeshes - Split meshes by material or adjacency, with control over their output hierarchy location
- MeshToolkit - Utilize Mesh Toolkit features
- Tessellate - Tessellate meshes with custom settings