An imposter is a simplified representation of a 3D model. Manually creating a simple billboard imposter is a task that can take up to a few hours depending on the complexity of the model. With InstaLOD a multitude of Imposter Types
can be created quickly and easily.
Although some imposter types have their own settings, most of the settings are identical across the different types.
Meshes with an
Alpha Mask Threshold
value equal to or below the specified value will be considered transparent when baking.
The following is an example of using the Padding
Left: Padding 0 / Right: Padding 20
The following is an example of using the Alpha Cutout
Left: Without cutout / Right: Cutout Resolution set to '32'
Note: When using models with input transparency/opacity textures, make sure that they are converted to greyscale textures and not RGB or they will not bake correctly.
InstaLOD features the generation of various different imposter types to fill a huge range of use cases.
The classic Billboard
imposter is quick and easy to set up. By using the different world-space axes, the user can specify how many imposters per axis to create. Billboard
imposters are great for distant objects that will not be seen from up-close or rotated around.
The Hybrid Billboard Cloud
imposter creates convincing illusions with volume when rotating around objects even from up close. This imposter generates a volume within the geometry area and places individual billboard faces within it.
If the mesh is composed of multiple parts, the Hybrid Mesh Face Factor
determines the proportion of the specified Maximum Polygon Count
that will be included in the cloud mesh versus the polygonal mesh.
For example: If the
Maximum Polygon Count
is set to 100, and theHybrid Mesh Face Factor
is set to 0.5, then the cloud part will have 50 polygons and the polygonal part will have 50 polygons.If the
Hybrid Mesh Face Factor
is set to 0.2, the cloud part will have 80 polygons and the polygonal part will have 20.
A Hybrid Cloud Poly Mesh Suffix
can be specified to instruct InstaLOD on which meshes in the scene to perform a polygon optimization. Other meshes in the scene will undergo cloud imposterization.
Custom Geometry
imposters are used to create even the most exotic imposters.
To use custom geometry as an imposter, the Imposter Mesh Suffix
must be added to the custom geometry. By default, the mesh suffix is set to "_imposter" but can be changed to fit into any pipeline.
Keep in mind that
Custom Geometry
imposters are generated from the normals of the custom geometry outwards.
The Axis Aligned Bounding Box
imposter creates billboards at the bounding-box edge of the selected object. These are created on all axes and are useful when dealing with box-like objects e.g. hedges or buildings.
The additional setting Displacement
moves the individual sides of the imposter to the center by the specified amount in world units.
A Flipbook
imposter is made up of a single billboard that rotates around the pivot point to constantly face the active camera. Depending on the position of the camera in relation to the billboard, the UV-space shifts to show the corresponding texture tile with the correct orientation of the object displayed. This creates the illusion of a 3D object using just a single billboard.
The Flipbook
imposter has the additional setting to choose how many Flipbook Frames Per Axis
are created.